nsm printables

Why Do Single Moms Find Organizational Printables Helpful to Keep Stress Levels Low?

Why Do Single Moms Find Organizational Printables Helpful to Keep Stress Levels Low?

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by your day that you froze up at the thought of it? You try to do all the things, but you forget half of them, and you don’t seem to catch a break. Let me tell you how printables have changed the way I handle my to-do list and helped me balance my stress levels daily. If it works for me, it can work for you too.

As you know the to-do list of a single mom is a one-person job (most of the time) the lack of help for the day-to-day expectations of life is heavy to lift. The length and importance of this list make for an -easy-to-make mistake a situation that never stops or gives us a break.

Back in 2018, I couldn’t keep my ingredients straight; I kept forgetting random yet important ingredients for the menu I had planned for the kids. I remember having to drive back to the store with my kids because I couldn’t make my meals happen.  After a few months of dealing with that nonsense, I decided to make myself a pantry list. A page that I could use to write what I had inside my pantry and what I needed to buy to make a few meals for me and the kids the next few days.

Making that PDF file and using it made a world of difference for me and my kids, I was able to rely on something to keep my list in check, save money, save time, and save my sanity without having to rely on my memory alone which it is not the most reliable thing anymore.

Why Do Single Moms Find Organizational Printables Helpful to Keep Stress Levels Low?

  • Feel less pressured to remember what I have in my pantry and what I need to buy
  • Help me feel in control of something in a world that feels so uncertain
  • Made it easier for me to plan and make fewer trips to the grocery store
  • Help me stay home at night once my kids are getting ready for bed
  • Gave me hope for more solutions to come

These benefits can look different for all of us, you may need more help in the kitchen like I did, or maybe more help with keeping your home decluttered. By now I have made use of printables for not just housework, but also mental health and accountability, and you can find them here.

As I mentioned in this article, finding your happy medium isn’t something that will come fast or naturally and you will have to keep doing trial and error and find what works for you. Printables and pdfs can be a tool for you to rely on something else besides your memory or your phone, something you can work on ahead of time and practice consistency in your new routines.

I will be sharing more about different printables that have helped me in my transition to widow/single life, make sure you register to receive our newsletter once a month, we share super valuable info, and you won’t want to miss out on it.