How To Stop Negative Self-Talk? A quick guide to a happy mind. Negative self-talk can be tricky to recognize, you may have been taught to be self-critical from childhood, and childhood beliefs can develop unhealthy behaviors that are hard to recognize and therefore be hard to change. Here are 6 tips on how to stop …
5 side hustle ideas for single moms to make extra money fast
5 side hustle ideas for single moms to make extra money fast What would you do if you had an extra $200 in your hands right now? Pay your bills, get some food, enroll your kid in their favorite sport? Any answer you have can become a reality if you put any of the next …
3 Ways To Keep Your Home Organized As A Single Mom
3 Ways To Keep Your Home Organized As A Single Mom Have you ever walked into your house and immediately felt drained? Is your home full of clutter and it overwhelms you to think where to start tackling it? Being a mom is hard enough, the demands, the expectations, and the tiredness can be debilitating …
¿Eres mama soltera? 3 razones que aprender inglés puede ayudarte a ganar más dinero.
¿Eres mama soltera? 3 razones que aprender inglés puede ayudarte a ganar más dinero. ¿Ya estas cansada de sentirte tan presionada por cuestiones de dinero? ¿Ya tu mente no puede más con el estrés de no saber si te alcanzara para la comida de tus hijos mañana? Aprender un lenguaje nuevo puede abrir tus puertas …
5 Reasons Why I Chose Homeschooling My Children and Why I Think You Should Too
5 Reasons Why I Chose Homeschooling My Children and Why I Think You Should Too Do you feel like school is your children’s second home? Is it their safe place to spend most of their day and become who they dream to become one day? There are many reasons why I chose to homeschool my …
3 Powerful Ways Gratitude Can Boost Your Mood To Happy.
Can you boost your mood to happy almost immediately? How can you bring your mood back up even through a hard day? The answer is yes, and only by using a simple and free technique:Gratitude Gratitude is defined (by Webster’s dictionary) as the quality of being appreciative of the benefits received. When I read this definition, …
Why Do Single Moms Find Organizational Printables Helpful to Keep Stress Levels Low?
Why Do Single Moms Find Organizational Printables Helpful to Keep Stress Levels Low? Have you ever been so overwhelmed by your day that you froze up at the thought of it? You try to do all the things, but you forget half of them, and you don’t seem to catch a break. Let me tell …